Domoire Darrell De Freitas

Signal cell_tower PROJECT TIME

I have ADD when it comes to my hobbies.

There are endless choices out there when it comes to personal projects with each being more interesting that the last one. The tech industry is moving faster than I've ever seen it move with a constant stream of innovation from the big players in the market and indie devs just putting out great tools and products. Right now I'd love to just pour hours into Programmable Drones, Arduino and other electronic devices, Android Development, Windows 8 app development, Diving deeper into what I already know, doing neat things in HTML5 or giving back to the community.

I've poked around with each for a few hours, but never long enough to get any concrete results. Time to change that.

I've been looking over a few things I'd like to get into; checking out the tools, documentation, community etc and hopefully in a few days I'll find the right project to commit to for months to come. I think the only way I even have a chance to survive this though is to stay of Hacker News and /r/Programming so that the latest release: rubied python on rails for full scalability on the cloud running in memory on a cherry pi with with built in easy to use CSS templates for mobile devices and desktops, doesn't distract me.

That and pictures of cats.

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